Alberto Tosca

Alberto Tosca is researcher at the Minoprio Foundation.

His research interests include agricultural biotechnology for genetic improvement (haploids, GMOs)in horticulture, the development of seeds and the propagation of species suitable for environmental restorations (ski slope, quarries) and biodiversity enrichment, horticulture with interest in new species and species of herbal and nutraceutical interest, urban green infrastructures, agronomy and the use of biochar to improve biological fertility and gr

eenhouse gases control, the energy self-sufficiency of the farm, the agroecological elements.

He has carried out consultancy for leading companies in the field of horticulture and agricultural experimentation and coordinated 21 projects at a national, European and regional level and participated in 11 others.

He has developed projects to improve secondary school teaching in the agricultural field with particular attention to STEM and technological subjects.